When we ask Jesus to become Lord in our lives, and then seek His righteousness, we become the sons and daughters of the Most High. In fact, each and every one of us as members of the body of Christ become inheritors of all things. As such, we should be desirous, seeking our rightful inheritance -- for it is our Father's good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.
Thus, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Indeed, our Lord God and Saviour has already proven that He will not withhold any good thing from those who love Him. Period. He does not cause bad things. He does not cause calamity in your life, as some of the well-known in the religious culture proclaim.
How do I know this? Because our Lord and Saviour is an awesome God who wants only the best for His children. Indeed, the scriptures even call us His friends.
Moreover, this same Lord freely gave us the gift of salvation while we were still dead in our own trespasses and sin. He willingly paid the redemptive price in full with His precious blood. And the best part? There is no follow-up debt to repay. No interest payments added to the contract.
In fact, the only outstanding debt is that we come to the realization that there is no love greater than the love of God toward us. Through faith in JESUS (who is the builder of the Kingdom of God) we are now citizens of that Kingdom. We are no longer strangers or foreigners but fellow citizens with all of God’s redeemed family. As such, we are fully aware of God’s indwelling presence.
Therefore, listen to the voice within and you will find, as have other members of the body of Christ that things appear to be different. In reality, they are not different. What has happened is that you have changed. We have been renewed in our hearts and minds to a more worthwhile purpose in our lives. We even see more clearly because the scales of unbelieving deceptiveness have fallen from our eyes.
In other words, we have been born again - born of God because He first loved us. So on this blessed day, remember that we reign because of Him. Sit in heavenly places for you indeed are His offspring. Stand in the offering plate.
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