Jesus is the only way. He is the truth. And yes, Jesus is the giver of life eternal. Only Jesus can give you rest that surpasses all understanding.
It is no wonder that under the old covenant, the prophets were continually endeavouring to confirm a date for when the Spirit of Christ - God’s spiritual humanity - would deliver His plan of salvation to the world. Certainly, numerous prophecies in the Old Testament pointed to Jesus becoming the Lamb slain for the world.
Up until this point in time, God had, using various signs and manners, spoken to our forefathers to convey this message. Today, in this last dispensation of time, the Spirit of God has spoken to us through our Lord God and Saviour Jesus. The period of time when God who is Spirit stepped forth out of Himself in fashion as a visible spiritual Son so that we might be redeemed unto His power and grace.
But admittedly salvation came at a cost. Indeed, Christ -- the humanity of God -- the Alpha and Omega (the beginning and the end) suffered significantly on the cross. Still, Jesus shed His precious blood so that we -- you and I -- could experience His glory -- the outpouring of God’s Spirit -- which was destined to follow after the crucifixion of God's sinless body -- the Christ. And from the cross, Jesus prayed, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do."
This promise that is for you and your children and all those that are afar off explains why no man knows the mind of the Lord. That no one has been His counsellor. Therefore, whatever the Spirit of God determines shall surely come to pass. In this context, God is constantly revealing Himself like a scroll, being rolled out gradually down through the ages like a play with many scenes unfolding. God alone orchestrates His hidden plan.
And thus, it is this God who is Spirit -- that decided (when counselling with Himself) that He was going to create a visible world, a world in creation that will in visible created form be an exact visible image of the invisible world. Similarly, it was this same God who was Spirit that came forth of Himself in visible form as a Son. The beginning of the creation of God being that God the invisible would reveal Himself in a created form.
This same God then created men and women as earthly images of that form, into which God breathed so that we could become living souls that would rejoice in His Word -- His love -- His peace that passes all understanding. This is why we can never be disappointed when we ask Jesus into our life today. Stand in the offering plate.
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