You are cleansed with the washing of water by the Word. As we continue from the message in posting 161, we believe it is imperative to introduce the above scripture to the discussion. Indeed, it is necessary because of the many religions that misquote the scriptures to negate scriptural foundations such as water baptism into the Name of the Lord Jesus the Christ. Instead of presenting the scriptures as the gospel message, they say it is the Word that washes. Unfortunately, this is a half truth.
For the Word states that it is water baptism in obedience to the command of the Word that fulfills the washing. Surely they must not know that as many of us as have been baptised in water into Jesus the Christ have been baptised into His death. Similarly, they must know that the scriptures state that we are buried with Him, by our baptism into His death. And upon rising up out of that watery grave, we are in likeness being resurrected with Him.
But some so called evangelists go to great lengths to remove the truth about water baptism, saying, that the baptism hereof spoken of refers to the Spirit baptism. In reality, it is so sad to think how far some will go in order to turn babies in Christ to the error of their thinking.
This was never the intent of the scriptures. Indeed, hear what the Spirit has to say to the people. The very first message delivered by the Spirit of the One and Only God to the people, through the mouth of Peter, one of the twelve (equal) apostles, chosen of God to be His witness to the uttermost parts of the Earth.
When people listened to the discourse recorded in Acts chapter 2, they were convicted in their hearts of their wrongdoing toward Jesus whom they had crucified. Now, the doorposts of their heart feared, and they did not know how to erase their folly. So they asked Peter, along with the other apostles what they should do. Men and brethren, what must we do? In this passage of scripture, they were told to repent and to be baptized in water into the Name of the Lord Jesus the Christ for the remission of sin and they would receive the gift of the spirit.
The WORD of the Holy Spirit told them what to do!, Do this, saith the scriptures, and you will receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit, for this Promise is to you and your children, and to as many as the Lord our God shall call to Himself! Those who believed were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus the Christ, which is the Only name given among men whereby men /women/ boys/ girls can be saved.
It is for this reason that the scriptures must prevail. The world does not need any more no name brand sermons - whereby the titles are used for baptism - a teaching emanating from the courts of papal Rome. Rather, search the scriptures for yourself. Obey the Word of the Holy Spirit who is the Author of all salvation. The One and Only who declares things like the doctrine of baptism - WATER and SPIRIT. Why is this important? For except a man be born again of WATER and of the SPIRIT, he or she CANNOT enter into the Kingdom of God. In other words, do not be only a hearer of the Word of God. Discover the gospel for yourself. In this way, God will bless you as you fulfill all righteousness by being baptised in water in the name of Jesus the Christ!
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