With regard to freedom of thought and freedom of speech, we see that the Puritans appear to be incapable of entertaining either. Their mindset was similar to the Roman dogma, which they themselves hastily escaped from under that yoke. The Friends however believed that whatsoever God revealed to them in secret they were going to shout it from the roof tops. This historical representation reminds us of a similar scriptural encounter Peter and John had, at the hands of the authorities. Those authorities could not tolerate unlearned and ignorant men challenging their demands. As a consequence, Peter and John were admonished not to speak or teach in the Name of JESUS to anyone. But those demands were like hot air to the duo. Instead, they answered the authorities by asking of them this question. Judging yourselves, is it better to obey men rather than God? Note the response. Note also that Peter and John, in the days that followed went everywhere preaching the Word of God. One might relate this to the entrance of free speech into the America’s.
Continuing on from Part 156, to question and answer # 2. The Prophets David and Isaiah state that the Lord is my light and my salvation. I will give you as a light unto the Gentiles. In speaking to the church -- For the Lord shall be your everlasting light -- to which the evangelist adds concerning Christ -- That was the true light, which lightens every man that comes into this world. God is Light and in Him there is no darkness at all. From whence I assert the unity of God and Christ, because nominally distinguished, yet essentially the same divine light. For if Christ be that light, and that light be God, then is Christ God. Or, if God be that light, and that light be Christ, then is God Christ? Again, the city had no need of the sun, for the glory of God did lighten it. The lamb (Christ) is the light thereof. By which the oneness of the nature of those lights plainly appears. For God is not God without His own glory.
Reiterating the message, there is only one God. JESUS is that One God Himself Manifest in the flesh as a Son. God has declared this to be true when He said, My Glory I will not give to another. JESUS is the brightness of God’s Glory and God’s express image. Remember God has said that you shall have no other God before Him. Thomas in the New Testament declared to Jesus that He was Lord and God. There is only one Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord dwells, there is liberty. For he whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Stand in the Offering Plate.
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