Jesus told His disciples that they were His friends. He said, "If you do whatsoever I command you continuing in my Word then, you are you my disciples." His friends. This is a prime example of a friend oftentimes sticking closer than a brother - that is, blood is thicker than water. However, scripturally, it would appear that the Spirit is thicker than blood. Can two walk together except they be agreed?
In the same way, many appear to be religiously bound together without any spiritual fellowship. People who have been born again, which in and of itself is not a natural birth, will affirm that the born again experience is a spiritual experience. The Word reveals that one is born again of God's Spirit. This is not another Spirit. The first Adam was declared of God to be a created a living soul. The living part of the soul was removed because of Adam’s laying aside God’s instruction.
For it is written that the soul that sins shall die. We are Adam's offspring and as such naturally we also inherit a soul totally rebellious toward God ways. As the scriptural analogy goes, we as humans wallow in the mire of sin, roaming further away from God’s plan for the human race. We even sometimes believing that this society as we know it is the norm. Every body is doing it.
Well not everybody.
Jesus, the child of the Holy Spirit is born of a virgin surrogate mother, arriving in a period of time declared to be “when the fullness of time was come.” The blood in Jesus' veins was not of Adam’s sinful race. Jesus' blood was a new blood line and because Jesus was the seed of the Spirit of God, His message was a message being delivered to the inhabitants of this race purposefully.
Jesus' message was a message of hope, a message of deliverance offering restitution. The ordinary people heard Him gladly. Sadly, the religious plotted His death while still others wanted to throw Him off a cliff. This latter option because it was not the death of the cross, as prophesied in earlier scriptures. But as we know, Jesus continued to walk out from them. The born again experience is a non happening experience except one associates him or her self with Calvary.
Without Jesus, there is no born again experience. Whereas if one knows Jesus then they will experience God's grace. The first Adam was of the earth, earthy, whereas, the second Adam was none other than the Lord Himself coming out of heaven, with one purpose of mind. That being, that He Himself would seek to save that which in God’s eyes is doomed. This second Adam is Holy Spirit Life. And He, Jesus breathes eternal life upon all who ask His forgiveness. Jesus saying that eternal life is the Gift of God.
Come to Jesus. There is no other Love like the Love of Jesus! With arms wide open He will pardon you. At Calvary He opened His arms for you. He laid down His life willingly for you.
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