Monday, February 7, 2011


Jesus ascended up to Heaven and sat down. Why is it presented that Jesus sat down? Simply because He, by Himself, had destroyed the devil's plan by making known his hidden devices and purposes. For this purpose was the son of God manifested. Jesus, by accomplishing the work of man’s redemption, sat down. The work was complete. Finished.

Man was completely in the dark concerning the workings of the devil. The devil had been cast out of Heaven. This is why the scriptures say, "woe to the inhabitants of the earth for Satan has come to earth and he is actively employed seeking to devour and destroy man’s way of life." While some are waiting for aliens to arrive, they should have been more attuned to the fact that they arrived a long time ago. But this type of alien, the devil himself, is so advanced in seduction that he is able to deceive people with much cunning. Indeed, so masterful in deception is he that man was succoured in, never for one moment suspecting that aliens had arrived. In fact, the aliens accomplished their mission and man actually swallowed the alien lies, believing rather that God did it to them. God changed the circumstances. He died for us so that we would know the truth that would set us free.

It is this Jesus, who is the Word of God and not another distinct and separate person, that set us free. The proponents of the 300 AD church fathers advanced a theology which is and was totally adverse to scripture revelations. It is impossible to separate an individual from his word. You and your word are one and the same. Unless you speak with a forked tongue, which is another issue altogether. God's plan? God was going to redeem man from the bonds of captivity even though man did not suspect that he was a captive of this bondage. God was now going to expose the lies of these alien spirits called fallen angels, He was going to veil Himself in flesh and be likened to our own earthly outward appearances.  Note what the scriptures said. He shall be born of thee Mary and He shall be called the Son of God.

Why did God call this veil a thing? Simply because it was generational sinful flesh formed in the womb of one of Adam's fallen race. However, life is in the seed. It is not in the shell. He who indwelt this shell was none other than God Himself as a son. The only begotten Son. In this context, humanity is not flesh and blood. Humanity is spiritual needing only a body to display or to be manifest in a created world. So Jesus went about doing good, healing all that were oppressed of the devil. He made an open show of satan’s work , He cast out demons, and likewise, opened the eyes of the blind. Jesus cleansed the leper, raised the dead, and fed the hungry. Even these miracles only recorded in part the workings and miracles of Jesus. For if all the things that Jesus began to do and to say were to be recorded, the world itself would not be able to contain all the books necessary to reveal them all.

But in brief, these miracles are written that you might believe. In spite of the the deception. Some even go so far as to say that the state of worldly affairs is God's fault. Why does God allow it, the naysayers say? Even with grace that would free men and women from their bondage, God still is blamed. We are so deceived. Perhaps, we ought to eat a mustard sandwich and maybe, perchance eat a mustard seed. Here are the facts. The devil and his demons are a fixed number. They cannot procreate. So the devil devised a plan that if he could hitch a ride into man, whose population increases constantly, then he would rule this Kingdom planet called earth. He was getting along magnificently until Jesus arrived on the scene and displayed that God is a good God, that God is Love, and that God does not pass by on the other side.

This is why Jesus healed all that came to Him. As the scriptures state, "He that comes to Me, I will in no wise cast out." In the beginning, the fall of man in the garden led to men hacking out a living by the sweat of his brow and women suffering in child bearing. Yes, cursed things compared to the garden of Eden conditions prior to the fall. Nevertheless, all these other burdens befalling man is not of God. They are the workings of Satan who was, and still is tirelessly alluring. As a consequence, instead of men and women digging themselves out of the mess, they end up digging the hole deeper. Such deception. Such unnecessary deception. The thrust of this presentation is that we may sit awhile and see our predicament. Reflect on how much better our lives can be by accepting God's gift - God's gift of grace.

Stand in the Offering Plate. In Jesus name, have peace. 

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