For thus it becomes us to fulfill all righteousness. These are the words spoken by Jesus to John the Baptist when Jesus appeared before John to be baptized. John did not understand why, someone of such prevalence would approach John to be baptized. Indeed, the idea was so unimaginable to John that he told Jesus that it should be the other way around. In fact, John figured that he was not even worthy to untie the shoes worn by Jesus and here Jesus was asking to be baptized. John thought it was he who needed to baptized. But here was Jesus looking to be baptised. And so John, as the scriptures point out, baptized Jesus. In so doing, John had seen the dove from heaven descend and rest on Jesus. John was right. Jesus was altogether pure.
There are some interesting parallels to be noted here. Fire did not descend upon Jesus as was the case in Acts chapter 2 where purification was required prior to the descent of the Spirit of Jesus into the assembled group of believers. Still, Jesus was the holy child of God. Jesus is the only begotten Son. He was conceived by the holy spirit seed which is why John was so reluctant to baptise Jesus. It is also the reason Jesus spoke the foregoing words.
But when John obeyed and baptized Jesus, it was to fulfill all righteousness. In that moment, Jesus was revealing the righteousness of God. He who never had sinned took our sin upon Himself. He, the just one put Himself in our place. He was also revealing to future generations - us - the scope and scale of the love God had for His created people.
Talk about mercy love and grace when the God who created man would put Himself in our place. Oh, the love that went in to fulfilling the salvation plan. Oh, the grace that brought that same plan of salvation to man. Oh the mighty gulf that God did span when He died for us at Calvary. He put Himself in our place so that we might be saved. Equally important, because of God's love, we become clothed in the righteousness of Jesus.
This puts a totally different slant on righteousness. Herein is the righteousness of God revealed. Who is going to say that we are still dead in trespasses and sin when Christ has died, sacrificing His own life for us. What condescension to bring to us redemption? Think about it! God took the form of man to bring to us a salvation plan. He Himself bore our sin in His own body nailed to a tree. He did not turn back when He was tortured for He knew that it as a consequence of those whipping stripes, we would be healed. This is truly redemption.
This is the second parallel. God’s plan of salvation was hidden from the previous generations. Still, it is now made known to us. We have the benefit of knowing that the Son of God became a curse in order to fulfill all righteousness. I stagger at the thought. Why me?
It is for this reason that I, having arrived at the place where I perceive that there is nothing that could ever possibly separate me from the love of the Spirit of God which was in the man Christ Jesus (God Himself as a son), could find the peace and love that was extended to us from any other place. Indeed, we have been reinstated from Adam's world of sin to glorious freedom. We've been purchased but not with silver or gold. We have been redeemed and our debt paid in full by the love God had for us. The scriptures state, "what God has cleansed, do not even think of condemning. For there is no condemnation to anyone that is in Christ Jesus."
Further, the bread of life is meditating upon the love of God our Saviour. Jesus said, this is my body given for you. This is my blood shed for you. Now, with the plan of salvation fulfilled, the purpose of God is proceeding. As the scriptures state, the next step, after asking Jesus into your heart is to be born again of the water and of the spirit. We need to enter into the new covenant receiving the promise of His Spirit. If we follow the instructions of Jesus, and fulfill all righteousness by being baptised into the name of the Lord Jesus, we receive all the blessings intended from God.
We receive His sealed covenant, the covenant of God in Christ. Like the believers in Acts 2, we become filled with His Spirit, speaking in other tongues as His spirit gives utterance. Peace to all who are partakers of this plan of redemption. Likewise, peace to all those who are children of the second Adam (which is the Lord Himself) born again just like Jesus said of water and of His Spirit. Because it is at this juncture that we can sing to psalms and hymns in thanksgiving. We can reflect on the spiritual things making melody in our heart to the Lord. Stand in the offering plate.
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