For we believe that through the grace of our Lord Jesus the Christ we shall be saved. In Acts 15 verse 11, Peter declared how God had chosen him to deliver the good news of the gospel to the gentiles. In preaching the gospel, Peter reminded the believers that it is God alone who knows the hearts of individuals. Likewise, it is God that has said that there is no difference between us the Jews and the Gentiles. God, in emphasizing that there is no difference between the two peoples had given to the Gentiles His holy spirit even as He had also given his spirit to us. In other words, God did not distinguish between peoples. Rather, He purified their heart by their faith.
Remember, at the time, Peter himself had thought that the Gentiles were unworthy of God. But God removed those dark religious views. He revealed to Peter in a vision that what He had cleansed and made whole ought not to call common or unclean. Yes, admittedly, it is hard to teach an old dog new habits. However, when God is doing the speaking, a change of opinion is a minor detail. In Acts chapter 10 verses 9 thru’ 17, Peter and friends eventually arrive at Cornelius' house. Cornelius makes it clear that those of his household were present before God, to hear all the wonderful things that God had commanded them to say. Inclusiveness? Definitely, for God is no respecter of persons.
In Acts 10 verses 34 through 44, we read that while Peter yet spoke these words, the Holy Spirit descended onto all of them which heard the word. Peter and friends heard the Gentiles speak in tongues, and magnify God. They were astonished. Why? Because God was pouring out His spirit onto the Gentiles. Indeed, God was pouring out the very same gift as He had previously done in Acts chapter 2. Peter, then opens his mouth saying, "Can any man forbid water ... that these Gentiles who have received God’s holy spirit should not be now baptised." Then Peter commanded them to be baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus.
You see, God has placed no difference between the Jews and the Gentiles. This is why Cornelius' household gathered together to hear what God had to say. These family members wanted to hear, and believe, that Jesus' blood would cleanse them, just as it does us, from all sin. If considered further, the scriptures make it more than evident that through God's love, He has cleansed us, regardless of whether we are Jew or Gentile, male or female, or slave or freeman.
Indeed, the blood of God’s holy spirit which flowed in Jesus veins was poured onto the earth so that we could be cleansed. His blood cleansed even those who were chained and fettered by Satan’s enticing deceptive practices. Jesus exposed Satan as the father of lies and the deceiver of the whole world. Unfortunately, with so strong a delusion, the world’s inhabitants have no inclination that they are in the bonds of iniquity.
The good news is that God's light has arisen. It's a new day. We have seen the morning star in the east. The true light now shines. Because of God's plan of salvation, we can get out from under. The scriptures state it this way - whomever the Son sets free is free indeed. Surely, given God's grace, it's time to repent and be baptised into the name of Jesus the Christ. Like those early believers in the New Testament, you also shall receive the gift of God’s holy spirit.
Remember when Paul was told to arise and be baptized? In so doing, God washed away his sin as he called on the name of the Lord Jesus. But the miracle of salvation did not stop there. No, indeed, God filled the early believers, and Paul with His holy spirit. In another example, the Eunuch said to Philip, "Philip, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?" To this question Philip replied, “If you believe with all your heart you may." And so they did. The scriptures show that they both went down into the water where Philip baptized the believing Eunuch. These are the actions taken by individuals when the the Spirit of God comes in to abide in believing hearts.
God asks the same of you. That is, to save yourself from this unbelieving deceived generation. Come to Jesus. His arms are open wide - ready to embrace you and pardon you from your sins. It was He who spread His arms wide at Calvary for you and me. This same Jesus wants you to come too. Be blessed in Jesus.
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