Monday, February 21, 2011


The rulers, elders, scribes, and the high priest were gathered together in the one place. Their purpose was to examine Peter and John concerning the healing of a man who had been lame from the day of his birth. The background is laid out in Acts chapters 3 and 4. Herein, the decision of the powers is recorded. In Acts 4 verses 15 through 19, the question is asked. "What shall we do to these men? For indeed a notable miracle has been done and manifest to all. We cannot deny it".

Their concern was to prevent the man's healing from being told to other people. Certainly, they were not interested in having the message that God heals people who are sick spread any further. Among the strategies discussed, the idea of threatening the two, so that they would no longer speak to anyone concerning the name of Jesus emerged. Indeed, the back room wheeling and dealing amounted to nothing more than an attempt to gag the truth about God. To keep the general populace in ignorance.

To advance their motives, they demanded that Peter and John no longer teach or preach anything in Jesus name. One might relate this command to a present day gag order. Peter and John stunned at the pinnacle of their stupidity retorted to them in language that would mess with their heads. Remember that  Peter and John, at least in the eyes of these great powers, were considered ordinary unlearned and ignorant.

Judge this, they stated. Is it right that we should do as you say or is it right that we should rather obey God? For we, having witnessed the power of the almighty God at work cannot simply stop speaking the things which we have both seen and heard. You can just imagine the response. The powers were not happy. In fact, they may have been foaming at the mouth at the impertinence of Peter along with John. Still, the powers again threatened them and told them to stop their teaching. Unfortunately, in spite of their anger, they could not find any justifiable reason to punish them.

Is it not amazing then that ordinary people glorified God for this poor man’s healing. They glorified God while the powerful authorities that existed in that day were blinded with their own importance. And as such, they would not depart from their own hidden agenda. The same blindness occurs in high places today. Darkness too.

But there is light. There is truth as well. Although there is a covenant of death, the good news is that there exists a covenant of life. And yes, there is a heaven. And yes, there is God. Indeed, in the precious name of Jesus was this notable healing (a miracle) attributed too. And yet, we refuse to teach or preach in this name. Surely, common sense dictates that we ought to pursue the opposite direction, if, as the scriptures point out, this and other miracles occurred as a result of having faith in the name of Jesus.

In relaying the account of this man's healing, we have not even begun to discuss all the miracles that were previously demonstrated when He, who is, the only begotten son of God walked physically among the people. Surely we would do well to promote faith in Jesus. Here was a man, attempting to fulfill his life obligations begging for money. Peter and John had no money. What they did have was better. Peter and John were possessors of something money could not buy.

For greater is God’s Spirit that is in you than the fallen angel demons that are in the world. The  systematization of error that is entrenched, constantly opposing any and all advancements of the truth. The truth that Jesus saves. Jesus heals. Jesus delivers those who call on His name. This man's life is a story of why the love of money is the root of all evil. At the end of the day, neither Peter nor John sent an invoice to the previously crippled man. The only prescription delivered was a verbal prescription.

"In the name of Jesus the Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk."

Remember when Jesus was also being questioned by the powers that be for his motivations to heal the sick? Jesus was questioned because he had said to an invalid, that thy sins be forgiven. When confronted by the religion of the day, Jesus was asked, "Who can forgive sins? Only God can." In response, Jesus reframed His words saying to the man, "Rise. Take up your bed and walk." To His opposers, he asked, "Is it easier to say thy sins be forgiven you, or arise take up your bed and walk?"

To this day, Jesus still heals all those who come to Him. Believe in this New Covenant that God has made. Jesus last will bequeathed to all believing mankind. Don't get sidetracked. Instead, let the dead beats bury their dead as you become inheritors of all the promises of God, including all benefits. God in Jesus bless you.

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