The stone which the builders rejected has become the head cornerstone. Indeed, He is the Head of all things, and in all things He shall have the pre-eminence. For no other foundation can a man lay. The scriptures state that upon this rock, I Jesus will build my church. Most of all, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
There is only one God. He is our Saviour. He alone is able to keep us from falling. He alone is able to present us as faultless beings. When we abide in the glory of His presence, we become effervescent with joy. Our hearts burning within us as He talks to us night and day. This is why, even in the face of a society that is changing, Jesus remains the most popular name on earth today. Why even money bears witness to the atheists, agnostics and ignoramuses that the world, whether past or present, revolves around that moment that Jesus, on the cross said, "It is finished."
BC or before Christ - JESUS - AD or after His death. The time lines in which our earthly world functions emerges from God's plan of salvation. Jesus, the name which is above every other name in Heaven and on earth. One God. One name. While there are many descriptive titles pertaining to that name, there is only one name Jesus, that matters. Even while the devil's workers are hard at work attempting to obscure the fact that the spirit of God has declared to the world that there is "No other name under Heaven given among men whereby man can be saved," it does not negate the fact that Jesus is that name.
The early church, prior to its take over by demonic filled bishops (so called), went everywhere preaching Jesus. Now they are advocating Jehovah or Yahweh obtained from the four letters YHWH or YHVH. Into these four letters, vowels were inserted and then broadcast by the prince of the power of the air (satan) asserting that this is God's name. Believe it or not, they even sing songs to this fabricated name. They run from house to house proliferating their stupidity as if it were Heaven's revelation. Rather, more deception is now seated. Still, the obstacle of obstacles confronts them. That obstacle is the Word of Truth recorded in the scriptures.
In spite of the emerging rhetoric, the scriptures are very clear. Heaven and earth may pass away but the Word of the Lord Jesus abides forever. God's own Word is seated. His word echoes through the ages. Except you believe that I AM, you will die in your sin. He that has an ear to hear, let him hear.
The great commission coined up by the so called church fathers is not the original commission that Jesus commanded to be preached throughout the world. The church father impostors altered the Word and today admit that they did so. They were flushed out because of the revisions and their deception only exists in the traditional established churches. (Note - see earlier blogs for details on this point)
Many churches, and even some churches that are called evangelical are carried away with the deception. Churches are propagating the same lie as if father, son, spirit were names. But they are not names. Rather, they are descriptive titles. His name is JESUS. Taking this scriptural foundation further, unto whose name were you baptized? Are they too proud to change or are they also part of the great deception?
I think those who participated unknowingly in this deception should read acts chapter 19:5. Again, the scriptures are very clear. He alone has the pre-eminence. While I am endeavouring to move on in Acts chapter 2, I seem to have need of a verily, verily in an effort to ensure that believers are fully equipped with the gospel of Jesus Christ. So that believers in God's plan of salvation are prepared and ready for the defense of the apostolic Holy Ghost teachings. This is the new covenant. A testament paid in full through the precious blood of Jesus. The name of the author and finisher is Jesus.
And they saw no man save Jesus only? Why? Because when we read the scriptures, our Lord God and Saviour's gospel message is clear. "I am the Lord thy God. Beside Me there is no Saviour.
This is why we ask -- who is on the Lord’s side? Do not delay. In fact, choose today. Our High priest Jesus asks you to come and partake in the salvation that was given to us so freely. Come. Peace to all who are in Jesus.
Stand in the offering plate.
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