If you continue in My Word, then you shall you be My disciples and as such, you WILL know the truth. And, in knowing the truth, you shall be set free! The Jewish members of the audience, upon hearing these words spoken to them by JESUS said, "We are Abraham's seed. Therefore, we were never in bondage." (John 8:31-59)
Note: When the Jews said that they were of Abraham’s seed, they were of Abraham's natural seed. As we read in the scriptures, Ishmael was born of Abraham's natural seed to a bondwoman. Sarah, who was Abraham's wife died and when Abraham remarried, he had born of his natural seed six more children.
If we examine the scriptures concerning Abraham and Sarah further, we read that Sarah's womb was sealed. However, within her did dwell the SEED of promise - the seed promised by God and first mentioned to Eve in the Eden garden. The scriptures also declare that Eve was the mother of all living with God declaring that it would be the SEED of a woman that would bruise the serpent (satan/devil's head).
The promised SEED was not one of Adam’s now sin prone seed. Rather, the promised SEED was a pure SEED, which SEED contained ALL the fullness of the Spiritual Humanity of God. Or, put another way, the Son of God or God Himself as a Son. The SEED then was the SEED of the holy Spirit. Therefore, JESUS is God Himself as a Son (reference the two SEEDS conceived in Mary).
The aforementioned SEED of promise passed from Eve into Seth and thus, we are introduced into the generational travels of the promised SEED through the scriptures. Sarah caused her bond maid to lie with Abraham which led to Ishmael being born from one of Abraham's natural seed. Ishmael was not born a Muslim. Why? Because at this time, such religion was non existent. But nevertheless, God did promise that Ishmael who had twelve sons would, as a consequence become a great nation. This is an important point to note.
How do we know all this? First, God is a God of impossibilities. There is nothing too hard that God cannot do. However, God’s way of doing things is not necessarily bound to man’s ways or the norms established within society. So when Abraham was 100 years of age and Sarah, Abraham's wife 90 years of age, God promised Abraham that in his SEED would all the nations of the earth be blessed. But as expected, Abraham's capabilities to reproduce were now non existing. In the mind of humans, this would have been the end of the story.
However, as mentioned earlier, God deals with the impossibilities. This means that God stepped in and resurrected Abraham's capabilities as a man. At the same time, God implanted into Abraham the SEED of promise, wherein, all the nations of the earth would be blessed. Yes, God is God.
As a result, Abraham and Sarah were both rejuvenated of God.
God opened Sarah's womb and lo and behold Isaac was born. Isaac was the product of Abraham and Eve’s natural seed whereby the two SEEDS of promise passed into Isaac. Indeed, the SEEDS of promise now continue on their generational travels awaiting God’s appointed time to be brought together by the Holy Ghost.
So neither ISHMAEL nor ISAAC did bring forth or show forth the life of God. Ishmael for sure was not in the genealogy of the two seeds. More to come on this subject in the days following.
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