God descended and man ascended. Jesus was put to death but the flesh was quickened (made alive) by the Spirit. Why? Because as the scriptures state, He will not allow His holy Son to see corruption.
JESUS the child conceived of the Holy Ghost, who was not a partaker of sin, willingly laid down His prone to sin flesh substituting His sinless life in our place. In so doing, He thereby obtained remission of sin for all those who call upon Him!
As we know, JESUS died a cruel death upon a cross declared to be cursed. For it is written, “Cursed is everyone that hangs upon tree." But as we also know, death could not hold Jesus who was, and still is the Lord of Glory.
It is this same Jesus that in order to redeem mankind from their inherited sin was willing to lay down His life on the cross for our salvation. The sin nature being inherited from His natural father Adam who was willingly disobedient to the instruction of God. Adam, succumbed to satan’s deceptive lies resulting in Adam and Eve being expelled from the Eden Garden.
The good news is that Jesus bore our sin in His own body when crucified, becoming in appearance more marred than any other. For the Lord had laid upon Himself all that justice demanded to eradicate sin.
JESUS, having previously said, that as Moses had lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must also the Son of man be lifted up, that whosoever looks upon Him, shall be delivered. JESUS being the Tree of Life!
JESUS said that if we were to destroy (kill/murder) this Temple (His body) then three days later He would raise His body up out of the realm of death. Therefore, the body of JESUS did not enter the state of corruption. Let me explain.
The first man Adam is of the earth, and we, being his descendants are clothed physically in flesh even as he was. Whereas the second Adam even though He was manifest in flesh outwardly -- yet inwardly He was the SEED of the holy Spirit. He was the Lord Himself who without reluctance came forth out of His glory humbling Himself and veiling Himself in flesh.
Now being found in fashion as a man, even as a Son for the sole purpose of man’s redemption, He clothed Himself in flesh. In flesh. Yes, the God who created us became even as we. As the created sons of God were, so He himself appeared in a body prepared of God. That He God whilst in the flesh should be tempted and tried in all points even as we and yet He, God as a Son did not sin.
Therefore, He alone who by the sacrifice of His flesh (prone to sin body found of the judicial system to have no fault in Him worthy of death) offers us a plan for salvation. Even though the mob crucified Him, urged into a frenzy by religious zealots, and hanging a sign declaring who He was, they couldn't dismiss God's ultimate plan of salvation.
That sign on the cross was written in three languages - Greek, Latin and Hebrew. On the sign it stated, JESUS OF NAZARETH, KING OF THE JEWS. While some wanted to remove the sign saying that that is who He said He was, nevertheless, the powers that be replied, what I have written remains.
Further, the angel declared that His name shall be called JESUS because it would be He, who would save His people from their sin. As it is also written, He came to his own people, and they did not receive Him. However, as many as did receive Him, to them He gave power to become the sons and daughters of God. ONLY BELIEVE!
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