"And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it." (I Thessalonians 5:23-24)
In the beginning of all things before the creation of man there was a condition in which all things that then existed were obedient to God. Angels, during this period were obedient to God. Unfortunately, there came a time when angels rebelled against the governance of God.
In Isaiah 14:12, Satan is spoke of as Lucifer - son of the morning. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" In substance the Word says concerning him "Wast thou not pure and holy until pride was found in your heart?" Pride was the condition that generated the desire.
Adam's pride made him exalt his own will higher than God's Word. Pride is sin. This is why we inherit from Adam (and Eve) that same trait instinctively. Our way or the highway. Through this instinctive desire -- pride -- we walk into misty conceptions about the one and only true God. In this context, we have no idea of the nature or substance of God. Admittedly, it seems difficult to think of God as a being and a substance particularly when the Old Testament refers to God as spirit. But spirit is materiality. God is a materiality - a heavenly materiality. Not an earthly material.
The form of angels are a substance. Otherwise, they would not be discernible - not earthly but heavenly substance (materiality). When we think of a heavenly substance, we think of fire -- light -- spirit as a possible composition. The Word tells us that God breathed into Adam the breath of life. It was at that point that man became a living soul.
Indeed, God made man. God made man from the substance of the earth (Genesis 2:7) and He did so -- made man that is -- in His own image (Genesis 1:27). God not only created man in form but God breathed into man His own self. Yes, His own self. He breathed into man that heavenly materiality of which God consists.
He injected or breathed Himself into man. As a consequence, the man then became a composition of heavenly substance or materiality and of the earthly substance too. Adam was in all aspects the created son of God. He was pure and God had fellowship with him. In the cool of the day, God would walk with Adam in the Garden. He talked with Adam. Perfect fellowship between God and man. As a sinless man, Adam could look right into the face of God. Neither did his eyes or his spirit draw back. Nor did the purity of God startle Adam. Why? Because Adam was the original man - the man created by God to be all that He was supposed to be.
More to come on this topic in the days ahead. For now, remember that God wants to walk and talk with us too. Indeed, He loved us so much that when Adam (and Eve) failed, He would find another way to bring us back to Him. To bring us close to Him so that He could shelter us from the storms of life. Ask the God who loved us so much that He would allow His humanity to die on the cross for us -- Jesus -- God in the flesh -- the begotten son -- into your life today. Ask Jesus to become your Lord and Saviour and do so knowing that it is Him who breathes life into you each and every day. Stand in the offering plate.
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