And of His Spirit have we all received. The Spirit of God and the Word of God are one and the same for it is written that the Word was with God (who is Spirit) and the Word was God. The same Word that was with God (who is Spirit) was veiled in sin prone flesh. Further, the SEED of life being the Holy Spirit - which SEED was clothed upon in the womb of a surrogate mother who herself was one of Adam’s sin prone race - her flesh like all other’s was prone to sin flesh!
Therefore, the SEED of the Holy Spirit JESUS could only be clothed upon with sin prone flesh obtained from His surrogate mother. Mary the surrogate mother’s womb being incapable of producing anything other than sin prone flesh.
Now this presentation of the scriptures cuts to the core of the erroneous teaching of the so-called church fathers of 300/400 AD whose teachings were decided upon their anvil of deception. It also means that the apostolic Holy Spirit teachings that went forth from Jerusalem was so that we as believers could be true to the Word of God. Or as the scriptures state, "Let God be true and every man a liar."
In other words, the Word of God does not need either you or I to defend the Ark of the testimony - JESUS the Christ. In fact, all that is expected of us -- the redeemed born again sons and daughters of God -- is that we present the truth as is written. This means presenting the scriptures as they are written even if it means disregarding long-standing religious and institutional traditions. Like casting tradition aside as one would do with any old tattered worn out garment.
Still, to disregard tradition can often be akin to entering into Armageddon. As a consequence, the war of all wars rages within us. Indeed, sometimes we even become entrenched by the indoctrinations of the many false fathers that had ritualistically imposed institutional traditions upon us. And in some small way, these traditions might have rendered a feeling of security.
But suddenly by God’s Grace and God’s mercy we were introduced to an alternative presentation that is not based upon doctrines and traditions established by the church fathers. For many of you, this might be the first time you are hearing what the scriptures have to say. And maybe even beginning to see that the teachings advanced by the church fathers as Christianity was in actuality anti-Christian. This is particularly true when one compares the roman doctrine with the scriptures which are written in the New testament.
It is herein that we are assured that the church cannot save us. The pope cannot save us! Mary cannot save us. The priests and religious leaders of the day cannot save us. Only JESUS the Head of His body the redeemed can save, deliver, heal and restore when we obey His Word!
Yes! We have reviewed scriptures that speak of the war in heaven that is now a war raging within us. For the entrance of God’s written Word causes our dead souls to inhale understanding. The seed of understanding causes us to rethink our path which in turn causes us to look to JESUS and to Calvary. Looking to Calvary ushers in the thought that JESUS paid the price for our sins, which brings forth repentance toward God who laid down His life for our redemption. This recognition of what Jesus did on the cross then hastens us to call upon JESUS for forgiveness -- which then brings forth redemption -- which brings forth baptism into a watery grave in the ‘likeness” of JESUS' grave -- which when arising from that watery grave we rise again in the “likeness” of JESUS' resurrection completely justified and free from the guilt of all sin.
Now we await with expectancy the promised Gift of His Holy Spirit, which upon receiving we become the temple of God’s Spirit, which Spirit enlivens us, and quickens our mortal bodies, and furnishes us with an abundant life!
Yes! Salvation is of the Lord. The Word of God is alive and powerful! Unlike man’s fabricated traditional chains. But with Jesus, all you did was look to JESUS and ask for His salvation. And in so doing, you discovered that nobody is between JESUS and You. Keep it that way and do not look back. Why? Because you are born again of God. To all nations where we have by God’s Grace entered. Peace to all of you!
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