God created the first man Adam using the earth as the substance. As a consequence, men as potters have fashioned many beautiful clay items over the years - which we readily attribute as being the skilful work of man. In the same sense, men (and women) are the skilful work of God. God being the potter has created us who are like the clay in this analogy. Yes we are a skilful work of art. And in God’s hands, dustman becomes the oscar winner down through the ages. Therefore, the potter from grains of dust has intrinsically and methodically weaved together internal bits and pieces to form the world He has created.
And this all from dust and water. Indeed, approximately 16 buckets of water and a bucket of earth. With this the potter has hemmed all of the bits and pieces together in a body with beautiful pliable skin and pleasing features. Conversely, man has studied and studied and studied over and over and over again to accomplish something similar. Men apply bandage solutions and when the internal mechanism ails, men are unable to replace the old with new parts. The result? Men still scratch their collective heads endeavouring to grasp the hidden treasures of wisdom. But when God creates man, He does so in order that men and women both could become the wonder of this world!
Still, there are those who arrogantly declare that we evolved from some form of dumb matter that just happened to create intelligent life by itself. The arguments that are made are more often than not without merit. Uneducated responses passed on from generation to generation. Why do we say this?
It is because this beautiful work of art that was once lifeless came to life when the potter who has created all things breathed into man. He breathed upon this lifeless art wonder (a picture in a beautiful skin frame, a masterpiece, yet lifeless) and lo' and behold this work of art Adam (the first man) starts to breathe. The flesh begins to move. The eyes open. The ears hear sounds that were never encountered before. In fact, the creator -- the potter -- declares His creation man to now be a living soul fashioned in the image of the potter who created him. As a result, God who is the potter has breathed life into man. And God declares man to be a son of God.
Yes, the potter previously had created a visible universe. For the potter or creator by Himself decided to create a visible world to be fashioned after His unseen spiritual world. The potter created man to take care of this created visible world. Therefore, we must ask the question of ourselves. What is man that God -- our potter and creator -- has created man? And then the creator sets man over the works of His own hands!
God detected that Adam was lonesome saying, "It is not good that man should be alone." As such, God caused a deep sleep to fall over Adam. Then God performed an operation on Adam removing one of Adam's ribs from his body. And from that rib God fashioned a woman created from Adam’s bone and flesh (constituting effectively one flesh). In so doing, God created in Eve a womb whereby Adam and Eve may be fruitful and multiply themselves on earth. Adam with God’s breath was a living soul. A happy soul. A soul that lacked for nothing. That is until, Adam (and Eve) turned their back on God’s Word.
This might explain why the scriptures state that every person is going to stand before God. Every person is going to be held accountable before God because God is the judge that presides over all things,. Yes, that means that God’s courthouse is righteous. It is because of this that we ought now to prepare to meet our creator. It is also because of this that we begin to recognize how much our God loves us --- God Himself becoming our redeemer and Saviour.
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