Saturday, March 10, 2012


The prophets of older times endeavoured to confirm a date for when the Spirit of Christ - God’s spiritual humanity - would come to pass, particularly in relation to the sufferings of the Christ (humanity of God) and the glory (outpouring of God’s Spirit) which would follow after the crucifixion of the Christ! (God’s sinless body)

The prophets knew that JESUS would become a Lamb slain because the plan of salvation - Jesus being slain - was constructed prior to the very foundation of the earth ever being established. God had at different times and in various manners spoken to those individuals who were our forefathers. However, in this last dispensation of time - the New Testament - the Spirit of God in these last days has spoken to us by and in and through His Son. This happened when God who is Spirit stepped forth out of Himself in fashion as a visible spiritual Son.

Yes, the same God who is Spirit is the Alpha and Omega (the beginning and the ending) of all. This explains why no man knows the mind of the Lord and no one has been His Counselor. Whatever the Spirit of God determines shall surely come to pass. In this context, God is constantly revealing Himself like a scroll, being rolled out gradually down through the ages like a play with many scenes unfolding.

Therefore, God alone orchestrates the hidden plan whereby even the angels are participants. Note here that the angels too remain in the dark as to the mysterious workings of the Lord. God who is Spirit decides (when counselling with Himself) that He is going to create a visible world, a world in creation that will in visible created form be an exact visible image of the invisible world.

In other words, God who is Spirit came forth of Himself in visible form as a Son! No God was not pregnant. However, it possibly could be viewed that He was for from God who is invisible comes forth God now visible appearing as a Son. The beginning of the creation of God being that God the invisible would reveal Himself in created form. Note that I say "created form" -- not created.

In all things then, God must have the pre-eminence. This is why the Commandments state that "You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall worship the Lord your God only with all your heart, soul, mind and strength." Further, it is why we are a created earthly image of that form, into which God breathed so that we could become living souls. Not robots! Robots are programmed. We however as human beings make individual choices. Obviously, admittedly, we made the wrong choice turning away from God's instructions.

Further, from Adam comes forth Eve. God said that these two are one flesh. If Adam and Eve had remained faithful to God’s Words of instruction in the beginning, then their offspring would have continued in a state of innocence. They would have been reproducing themselves and all things that we have inherited in our earth would be totally different. Indeed, beyond our comprehension. Sadly, Adam and Eve had an encounter with a fallen angel named Lucifer.

As a consequence, God put them out of the Eden Garden. This resulted in Adam and Eve (and subsequently their offspring) entering into what might be perceived as a wild natural wilderness. Journeying on a road towards death, which is the penalty awarded to all who sin. In so doing, Adam and Eve lost their walk with God. Their personal relationship with the God who had created them. In fact, the two lost their status as sons and daughters of God. Yes! Sons and daughters of God is who they were in the beginning but unfortunately are no more. Adam and Eve Lost their power and authority when they ate of the forbidden tree and in this sense, the lives that they were intended to live ended up being the exact opposite of the red carpet treatment God had originally intended.

More to come. PEACE! Stand in the offering plate.

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