We can be confident that we have not been redeemed through corruptible things. And we can be equally assured that silver or gold has not delivered us from our vain conversations and traditions. Rather, we have been redeemed from all sin by the sacrificial offering of the precious blood of the Holy Spirit, whose life giving blood flowed in the veins of JESUS the Christ. The same JESUS being the Lamb (child) of God’s Spirit without a blemish of sin. JESUS being the SEED of the Holy Spirit!
As we read in the scriptures, JESUS as a Son was foreordained before the foundation of the world. He was manifest in these last times for our redemption. This is why in the fullness of time, God sent forth His Son. Through the manifestation of God (Himself) as a Son, we can now believe how much God loves us. Why? Because we have seen manifested in flesh the unseen Spirit of God, who dwelled within JESUS.
In this context, the Spirit of God would never allow His sinless body to enter into the state of corruption. Instead, the Holy Spirit of God who dwelled within JESUS' sinless body raised His own sinless body from the dead. Glorify JESUS! So that we who have believed upon JESUS may continue to exercise unshakeable faith in Him.
Moreover, when we become Christians, we are born again by obeying the JESUS Spirit voice. The same voice has commanded all of Adam’s sin prone race to repent and exercise faith toward His Name JESUS. This is the same Jesus who we in ignorance crucified, without realizing that we were consenting to the crucifixion of the Lord of Glory.
It is for this reason that we willingly repent. And that we then are willingly baptized in water into the Name of JESUS for the remission of our sins (Acts 2) The Spirit Word then is not traditional corruptible seed. The Spirit Word is in fact incorruptible. God‘s Word is Spiritual life - and this Spirit Word lives and abides forever.
While traditions are interjected by the work of fleshly men, all is not lost. Because the Word of the Lord endures forever. It doesn't matter then whether the Word of God is rejected by people who seemingly deem themselves unworthy of eternal life, or by others who dismiss the Word of God as foolishness. Indeed, a person's unbelief does not invalidate the Word of God. Not now and not ever!
Because God in His grace and mercy reached out to all of us. God lay down His only life as a Son, taking the curse of all our sin upon Himself. In so doing, God has set His table. God has sent out invitations to all of Adam's sin prone race to come and dine at His table totally free of charge. Everything is paid for in full! In fact, the party is already in full swing with sounds of music and dancing!
The Master of the house stands peering into the distance awaiting with expectancy the arrival of His sons and daughters. Upon the arrival of His sons and daughters, the Master embraces them one by one. He then personally announces to everyone in attendance that this is my sons and daughters. They had previously been lost but now are found.
Rejoice with Me, saith the Master. And let no one separate you from the love of God which is manifest in the man Jesus the Christ. Salvation is the free gift of God. Peace!
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