JESUS said, "... he that believes on Me" - as the scripture states, from out of his INNERMOST BEING shall flow rivers of living water. In so doing, Jesus prophetically promised that all who believe, and put their faith wholly upon Him would in turn receive of His Spirit too.
The Wisdom or the Word which was the predetermined counsel of God, was now to be manifest in the flesh. It is this fleshly manifestation revealing God Himself as a Son -- this manifestation adequately displaying all the spiritual humanity dwelling within God Himself that makes the gospel message so empowering.
"To wit, God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself ..." (II Corinthians 5:19)
Think about it! The Spirit of God (named JESUS in this current dispensation of grace -- the time in which we live) is the same God who made the world and loved us so much that He would shed His precious holy blood on a cross for us (John 1). This is the same God who was now found to be indwelling inside a sin prone body, (in which He was pleased to dwell) And the same God with the sin prone body (veil of flesh) received whilst in the womb of His sin prone surrogate mother's body. Mary was born of Adam’s sinful race. She, like all others born on this planet receive inherited sin, as a penalty resulting from Adam’s original disobedience to God (see Genesis for details).
But JESUS made the world and all that therein is. Still, JESUS was not made. Oh no. Instead, Jesus CAME FORTH from the innermost spiritual being of God. Talk about LOVE. Real love. Jesus is the love of God personified in flesh and blood. God as a SON. All things were made BY HIM and for HIM. Please hear the message. Jesus was asked this question. "Do (should) we look for another?" Jesus replied by saying that if one does not believe that He is the I AM, they would die in their sin.
You see, God was on a mission. His mission was to seek and to save Adam’s sinful race. To gain for Himself a family that desired to be in His fold forevermore. But in order to fulfill this mission, it necessitated God entering into a sin filled world -- and in many ways a totally lost world -- the inhabitants lost and bound by the demonic spirit that God had cast out of Heaven -- in order that we might find salvation.
God’s plan is to save and deliver us. Unlike the fallen demonic angels who are enroute to a destination called Hell, (which God had prepared for satan and his followers), God had never planned on man joining the demonic angels there.
That is why God in Christ, (Christ the humanity of God) comes forth. The Lord our God purposely foiling satan's plan while Jesus, God manifest in the flesh, unfolds His plan that will lead captivity captive. His plan of salvation that will redeem fallen sin prone man so that they can now become His sons and daughters and brethren and friends.
Indeed, God is willing to take all of our sin onto Himself. In fact, He is laying down all that is rightfully His, and is bequeathing it all to sin prone men. He wants us to become justified from all sin past and present and beyond. And to prove His motives, He laid down His life for you. He, being God Himself as a Son purchased you, sacrificing Himself once and for all.
You are now His children and of His indwelling Spirit we are made partakers of. We are now a habitation of God’s Spirit -- His temple -- His dwelling place!
Stand in the offering plate!
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