"Who are you Lord?" asked Saul, when he was suddenly stopped by a bright light which shone all around him. Jesus said unto him, "I am Jesus" The same Jesus who shall save His people from their sin. The same Jesus who willingly became the Lamb of God, shedding His precious holy blood on the cross. The same Jesus, who from the beginning of the world was the mystery held in the bosom of the Father until the fullness of times.
His name I/Emmanuel, which interpreted means, God with us. (Matthew 1:21-23) And, as we understand from living in this current dispensation of grace, neither is there salvation in any other name. (Acts 4:12) Why? Because Jesus is the Name above every other name that God used in the old testament times. (Philippians 2:9) The Name whereby we are saved. The Name whereby we can be healed, and restored, so that we can live up to the purpose that He placed in our hearts whilst we were still in our mother's womb.
Yes, Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. (Revelation 1:8)
Indeed, in no one else can salvation be found. Only Jesus! This is why the council called the apostles and commanded them, and in fact, dictated to them that they were not to speak to anyone at all about Jesus. Not even to breathe His Name among those who were/are lost.
Peter's response to the council was simple. Peter told them to decide for themselves whether it is right before God to obey individuals/worldly authorities rather than God. Paul also confirmed this point of view when he said that it was the God of our fathers who had appeared to Him as He journeyed on the road to Damascus. The God of our fathers who had met him and chosen him, when his mission at that time was originally to find those who believed and jail them. That was certainly his mission for that day.
Thankfully, the Lord had another mission for Saul, and soon, Saul/Paul would learn His will. When the light shone around him, Saul became blind. Still, as Saul, he had seen the just one and heard His voice speaking directly to his heart.
Can you imagine what Saul must be thinking, when he uttered the words, "Who art Thou, Lord?" As we know, Saul did not have to ask twice. In fact, Jesus told Saul right there and then, "I am Jesus whom ye persecute."
This is why the scriptures tell us that the Name of Jesus is ABOVE every other name in both Heaven and on earth. At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus the Christ is Lord. As Christians who have repented, and been water baptized in the precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are renewed, justified, and sanctified in Him. And we know the truth which will set us free from the captivity and bondage of this world. In this current dispensation of grace, His Name is JESUS. He alone is the True God that gives eternal life.
"Thy Word is Truth.| (John 17:17) The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us so that we could behold His glory. God manifest in the flesh. (I Timothy 3:16) The Lord came forth as a mighty man. (Isaiah 42:13; Isaiah 9:6) And this same Lord is Jesus who Peter (standing with the eleven) on the day of Pentecost identified as both Lord and Christ. (Acts 2:36)
Therefore, to address another issue emanating from religious sects, is His Name J- H -V- H or J-H-W-H? Try pronouncing these letters as a word, without the added vowels that men have added to the unpronounceable name of God. Complicated? Well, yes. Nevertheless, the councils are still commanding that we ought not to speak in the name of Jesus. We were commanded by Jesus, the Shepherd of His own redeemed people to go into all the world and preach repentance and remission in His name -- Jesus. The name that the angel (the messenger of God) said that we must call His name I/Emmanuel -- God with us -- is named Jesus.
But the flock of a different shepherd went behind the scene and decided on an alternative name. And, as a consequence, they almost achieved their accomplished mission. The mission was to obscure the name of JESUS, child of the holy Spirit, by replacing that Name so that we would be under the wrong dispensation -- trying to put new wine into old wine skins.
For us who believe by faith, it is difficult to fathom that men openly chose to oppose Almighty God, especially when we know that the one who made the world was in the world. (John 1:1-18) He answers to the Name of Jesus.
So what do these letters mean? Well, the above capital letters are simply the 'incommunicable' name of a Hebrew (God). Pray tell then, why would anyone endeavour to communicate an incommunicable name? Why wouldn't individuals want the masses to understand and comprehend God's name? In this case, their desperation to deceive the people amounts to a travesty. Individuals playing around with the vowels AEIOU and conjuring up something that is readable but their conduct inexcusable.
Still, in spite of the deceit, when ordinary people heard Jesus, they ran to Him with enthusiasm. Why? Because Jesus did not speak as the religious leaders of the day did. Jesus had something more to offer - the gift of salvation. So instead of deceiving people and/or being deceived by others, we need to recognize that the Throne of Jesus is forever. Indeed, forever all the angels of God worship Him.
God’s redeemed children (who all are in the man Jesus who is God Himself as a son) are in number more than the granules of sand by the sea. It is for this reason that Jesus' people continue to keep their sights on the cross of Jesus. If the first 3000 believers repented and were baptized by immersion (buried symbolically with Jesus) into the Name of the Lord Jesus the Christ, for the remission of sin, receiving a promise that they would receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, then we need to do the same also. (Acts 2:36=47)
Accept the Lord's invitation for your life this day. Open your New Testament and ask the Lord Jesus to fill your heart and soul and mind with His Word. Be renewed in your spirit. Stand in the offering plate with Jesus who loves you with an everlasting love. In blessing, He will bless you.
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