Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me ...And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of My hand. My Father, which gave [them] Me, is greater than all; and no [man] is able to pluck [them] out of My Father's hand. I and [my] Father are one.” (John 10:27-30)
"I am the Good Shepherd," saith the Lord. "My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me". Conversely, the voice of a hireling they will not hear. Jesus then ascended into Heaven and sat down. Why is it that we constantly make reference to Jesus, the Head of the Church (His body) ascending into Heaven and sitting down? The reason is this. When Jesus sat down, He, by this action revealed to us once and for all that the work of salvation (as far as Heaven was concerned) was complete.
Further, we notice that when the Holy Ghost descended on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Ghost sat down also. The Spirit of Jesus sat on the believers. The believers being the body of Jesus, signified that the work of redemption is complete. Finished. This was evident in Paul's teachings. Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles stated that if anyone, either flesh or angel, endeavour to preach any other gospel to us other than that which he had delivered, let them be accursed.
Repeatedly in the scriptures, we read Paul forewarning us that after his departure, grievous wolves would enter in among the sheep, not sparing the believers. Indeed, believers would be persecuted for their beliefs. The scriptures went so far as to say that among our own selves men would arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples to themselves. Paul goes on to say, "Remember that I have warned you. I have warned you night and day with tears."
In these matters, it is important to ask this question. Is the Word of God coming to you or is the Word of God coming out from you? I trust that we all answered that the Word of God is coming to us. Yes, such should be the case. Still, there would be others who think the Word of God begins from them. To these people, Paul states the following. "If any man thinks himself to be a prophet or a spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write are the commandments of God." To Paul, this was not a new issue. There existed in Paul's lifetime false apostles, those individuals who desired to have the pre-eminence over the flock.
Note that the first believers continued steadfastly in the apostles' teachings. The Lord worked with them, confirming their words and deeds with signs and wonders. If God confirms a work, then no man can dis-annul it. Paul delivered to us the gospel that he also had received -- the very same gospel that Paul had received by revelation. (I Corinthians chapter 15). In verse 8 of the same chapter, Paul declared that last of all, He was seen of me. Some people today emphatically declared that Jesus reappeared on the American continent after Paul's declaration. Such error. According to the scriptures, Jesus was last seen of Paul. The scriptures, the Word of God are final.
We dwell on these things so that you may not fall prey to another so called gospel. Some believe in the doctrine of transubstantiation even though it is contrary to the scriptures. They do so in total error. Some believe that Mary is the Mother of God. Again, according to the scriptures, this is a total error. Others believe that Mary is also a mediator between God and man. More errors. And some, wrongly believe that the new covenant is an addendum to the old covenant.
But for those of us who believe the scriptures to be correct, we will go on preaching the everlasting covenant to the uttermost parts of the earth. One’s rejection of God’s Word does not render the truth invalid. God confirms His own Word in a believer's heart. The Word and the Spirit always in agreement, and God is not the Author of confusion.
This is God’s covenant. God covenanted with Himself as a Son. God established this covenant (Hebrews 8:8-13). So as a consequence, we encourage those individuals seeking God to stand in the offering plate. To become a flow through, loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and by extension of His love shining in us, we can love one another.
Now we can continue with the day of Pentecost found in Acts 2. The apostles are His witnesses. They did not fleece the sheep. Indeed, they preached Jesus everywhere they went. And as a consequence, the apostles were beaten, and imprisoned, and left for dead. But not once did they forget God their Saviour Jesus the Christ.
Peace to all in the precious Name of Jesus.
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