The greatest love story ever told. That is, God laid down His life for us. Jesus' sweat as if drops of blood whilst in prayer in Gethsemane -- every one of those tears so that we could know our heavenly Father intimately. (Mark 14:32) So that we could be forgiven of our transgressions - each and every one of us. Forgiven for our sins once and for all because He paid the price -- through His precious blood shed on the cross.
Even while the battle raged internally - Jesus' flesh hoping to find another way whereby man could be saved - He instinctively knew there was no other way. (John 17) No other sacrifice was worthy enough to pay the price. The plan of salvation had been decided even before the world was formed. God knew that His human flesh would have to die on a cross -- on a tree that He originally created. Yes, at the end of the day, Jesus was and is the only way whereby man can be redeemed. No other name under heaven was worthy enough.
Acts 4:12 states: "Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Further, I Timothy 2:5 states, "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus."
John's message was consistent up until the appointed time. Prior to Jesus' reign here on earth, God spoke to His people through the mouths of the prophets. We can find these prophesies written in the Old Testament of the Bible. But in this current generation -- known by many as the dispensation of grace -- God speaks to us through Jesus. Moreover, He spoke only that which was the Word of God - now being delivered to man in an earthly language.
This is why Mary the mother of Jesus was instructed to give Him the name Jesus "because He will save His people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21) Jesus is the Word. (I John 5:7) The same Word of God that spoke the foundation of the world into existence. But now He speaks to us through the "only" mediator between God and man -- His son Jesus who is the only "begotten" son of the Seed of the Holy Spirit. For in that Seed did dwell all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. The Bible repeatedly states He who hath the Son also has the Father.
Jesus said, "If you have seen me Phillip, you have seen the Father. So why are you asking me [still] to show you the Father?" Phillip walked with Jesus regularly and yet Phillip really did not know Jesus. (John 14:7-9) Doubting Thomas the same revelation. Thomas saying, "My Lord and my God." (John 20:28)
Indeed, God was in Jesus the Christ! Why is this important? Because this is God‘s final plan to redeem man from the house of bondage - satan's last stronghold on you and I and the world at large. While the anti-Christ preachers preach a social gospel - a make you feel good gospel - the gospel of Jesus the Christ - this glorious gospel cannot be ignored.
Why? Because the gospel of Jesus the Christ was not only delivered in Word. This gospel cost God’s life as a Son. For it was God Himself as a Son who was nailed to a Roman cross. This is the true cost of redemption. And why -- two thousand years -- God's love and mercy for His people still constitutes the greatest love story ever told. Ask Jesus into your life today. Stand in the offering plate.
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