Peter's response to an individual who thought the gift of the Holy Spirit could be purchased with money? His money should perish along with him for thinking such a thought. Peter's summation was simple. He said, "I perceive that you are still in the bond of iniquity." Yes, there are still some things that even money can't buy. Salvation is one of them. Why? Because God does not require your money. The cattle on a thousand hills are His. So is all of the earth and its inhabitants.
But when it was written, that the love of money is the root of all evil, there was a message there. A lesson. It also offers a rationale as to why believers are admonished when giving. When giving, we are to give as unto the Lord, not grudgingly because we think we have to nor of necessity, but out of appreciation for all that God has given us. God loves a cheerful giver. Abraham, when met by the priest of the most high God, who brought nothing more than bread and wine to this meeting, blessed Abraham with these. The blessings were so sufficient. In fact, more than sufficient to suffice is the bread and wine, symbolical of the life of Jesus. Our salvation was purchased with the life and blood of God’s spirit manifested in the flesh.
Remember again the words of Peter. When asked for money, Peter said that "silver and gold I have none but what I do have, I give to you. In the name of Jesus (the Christ), rise up and walk." Listen please. Our salvation was not purchased with silver and gold. You have been bought with a price. Therefore, we ought to glorify God in our mortal body, which is no longer our own. We are now a habitation of God’s Spirit. The kingdom of God is not meat and drink. The kingdom of God is righteousness and joy and peace in His Holy Spirit.
Paul made a very fitting statement that is equally applicable in today's society. After his departing, Paul said that grievous wolves would enter in among the flock of believers, not sparing the flock. He further states that even among your own selves shall men rise, speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after themselves. Paul reminds the assembled elders that for three years he warned them, night and day with tears that this condition would be forthcoming. In fact, Paul repeatedly warned that the elders should take care of the flock over which the Holy Spirit has made them overseers. He instructed the elders to feed the church of God, which He has purchased with His own blood.
In this context, Paul lays out a work ethic example for elders and believers alike. That one should work with his own hands providing for his own necessities as Paul himself does. In short, Paul was saying, do not fleece God’s people. Does not the scripture also say that if a man does not work, he ought not to eat? And again, if any man provide not for his own family, he is worse than an infidel. He then, by refusing to work is denying his faith. Shepherds feed themselves.
Further to this point, the scriptures state that on the first day of the week of Sabbaths, let each one lay aside monies as God has prospered him. These monies then are to be distributed among the poor saints. The individuals distributing the monies must be chosen by the people, and be individuals whose credentials include "men filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom" as outlined in the scriptures. If this dual criteria is met, then they may be appointed.
This is why we are a new nation taken out of all nations. We enter into God’s salvation, where there is no preferential treatment. We enter into God's salvation regardless of gender, male or female, or whether we are in bondage or free in our personal circumstances. We enter into God's salvation regardless of whether we are Jew or Gentile. We are all one in Jesus. We are all members of God’s sacrificed body, our glorious liberty purchased by Him who alone is worthy. When we enter into God's salvation, we become the inheritors of eternal life. This is the covenant I will make with them.
The early believers continued steadfastly in the teachings of the Holy Spirit, being delivered to us by those chosen by Him to be His witnesses to the uttermost part the earth. Delivering this gospel to a dying world really requires little or no money. It requires only that you and I testify concerning Him who loves us and now lives in our circumcised hearts.
If we consider the example of doubling a penny every day for 28 days, until it amounts to 1 million dollars, it is easy to see how witnessing to people can multiply. Let us therefore preach to the "whosoever" that the scriptures speak about in John 3:16. Freely you have received, and as a consequence, so likewise should you freely give.
Stand in the offering plate with Jesus. Peace in Jesus.
Very good!