Thomas, discarding his unbelief concerning the resurrection of Jesus exclaimed, "My Lord and My God." Even though we have known Jesus after the flesh, from henceforth, we no longer know Him in His manifested human form. Yes, Jesus had been put to death in the flesh but after His death was quickened by the Spirit. The first Adam, the Adam in the Garden of Eden was first created and then made a living soul. The miracle that is God's predestined plan is that the second Adam was the Lord Himself. Not a created being but the Lord Himself out of heaven, who is a quickening spirit. Jesus veiled Himself in a natural body, delivering to us the glorious gospel of the unseen God.
Jesus, upon completing the work of His preordained plan of redemption, sat down. At the finish of the work of creation, it is recorded that God rested from all His works. Here it is recorded that Jesus, God Himself as a son sat down. Paul, the apostle said that if any man were to come and preach any other gospel to us, other than that which He had delivered, that one is the same as accursed. He then went on to say that if an angel from heaven were to come and preach any other gospel to us, "Let him be accursed."
In the same context, Thomas’s eyes were opened wide when suddenly He, who was nailed to a tree now appears with all the scars of the battle of the ages standing right before him. Indeed, there was this same Jesus talking to him, and suggesting that he should reach forth and touch His hand. Topping it off, Jesus said that perhaps he should also reach forth his hand and thrust it into His side. Hence the exclamation, My Lord and my God!
The Spirit that dwelt in Jesus during His earthly walk, being His Father the Holy Spirit, had seeded the fetus who was born to be Saviour of all men. The very same Holy Spirit who, in this world’s darkest hour withdrew His eternal life from indwelling in the fleshly veil, allowing Jesus' body to succumb to death, He laid down His life, for He could have at any time reversed the situation by simply calling legions of angels to His side. His Holy Spirit would not allow this sinless body to see corruption. This is the reason why, after three days and three nights in the bowels of the earth, He was raised to life in a spiritual body. It also offers a rational for the commencement of a new ministry - a spiritual ministry.
For it is written, after He died and was raised again, that He, through His Holy Spirit gave commands to His apostles. He also, through His Holy Spirit confirmed their words with mighty signs and wonders, thereby adding to His temple of believers, living stones. Living stones that form a temple without spot or wrinkle. A new house in which He is pleased to dwell. His plan being unveiled. His predetermined purposes accomplishing the ultimate mission of bringing man to the place of his unforeseen destiny.
For eye has not seen, neither has ear heard of the blessings which God has in store for those people that love Him. Jesus, our great High Priest. Remember, that by necessity, whenever there is a change in the priesthood, there must also be a change in the law. Jesus administers the law of the spirit of life which, as a consequence of the resurrection is now a new covenant . It is not the old covenant that genders people to bondage.
As a consequence, we are the JESUS people. We are the people who are called by His name - He being the rock of ages. Unto the Son it is said and previously prophesied by His Spirit, "Thy Throne O God is forever and ever. Let all the angels worship Him - Jesus - our Lord and our God.
Peace be in Jesus Name! Stand in the Offering Plate.
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