The former letter I have written testifying of all the good things JESUS did and taught -- as a beginning faith -- until the day of His ascension. After that, JESUS continued ministering giving further instructions to His chosen apostles. His chosen apostles who were to be His witnesses -- even to the uttermost parts of the earth.
The initial message presented by the Holy Ghost to 120 persons in Acts 2 is specific. Here were 120 people gathered together in an upper room with the initial message being delivered to all of them in an unknown tongue. Within this context, the Holy Ghost was [literally] controlling their tongues. That is, until the purposed message was expressed to them in a heavenly language!
When the multitude who had gathered at Jerusalem to celebrate Pentecost heard the strange tongues that were being spoken (hearing men speak in their own language) they thought that the men were drunk. At this point, the uncontrollable unknown tongue experience was removed and the apostle Peter (in unison with the other eleven apostles) began to speak in his mother tongue. However, the miracle for those questioning the event was that the words spoken by Peter and the others were miraculously changed into other languages -- from every nation. Note that by this time, many of the folks who had gathered in that room for the feast spoke a different dialect.
As revealed in Acts, Peter began speaking. The message that Peter spoke to them was an interpretation of the unknown heavenly tongue. So in effect, Peter's message was a direct message of the Holy Spirit of God. Many believed and were convicted in conscience, that they had crucified not just a man named JESUS but someone who was more than just a man! JESUS was the Lord Himself, the Lord of Glory.
As a consequence, members of the audience were so consciously convicted that they cried out to the apostles, "Men and brethren, what are we to do?" The intensity of their plight filled the atmosphere. Peter replied by saying to the audience that they should repent and be baptized into the Name of JESUS the Christ for the remission of their sin and by so doing they would receive the gift of the Holy Ghost to indwell them!
This is God’s promise to each and every one of them extending to their children and grandchildren. In fact, this promise extends to all those who believe the gospel message and obey.
That same day 3,000 persons believed the Holy Ghost message, repenting of their sin and being baptized into the name of the Lord JESUS the Christ! From this first day forward, these believers continued steadfastly in the teachings of the holy Spirit of JESUS. Why? Because they recognized that the message being delivered to them was from JESUS through His chosen apostles. (Acts 1:2-3) The holy Spirit confirming the words spoken, with the LORD Himself adding believers to His CHURCH daily!
As we read then, the first believers CONTINUED STEADFASTLY in the Holy Ghost teachings! So we must ask the question here. Have you obediently obeyed the Holy Ghost directives or are you being misled by self-appointed men who long time ago abandoned JESUS' teachings? Remember, the Word of God does not come from you or I. Indeed, we receive the engrafted Word with meekness.
Thus, what is important at the end of the day is that we examine ourselves to see if we are in this faith. That we adhere to the same gospel message that was delivered to us by God Himself - who said that except a man or woman be born again of water and of the Spirit they CANNOT enter the Kingdom of GOD. This is the message delivered by Peter and the apostles in Acts. Peace to all sisters and brethren! Stand in the offering plate.
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