"Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loves Him that begat loves Him also that is begotten of Him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep His commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments and His commandments are not grievous, For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, [even] our faith." (I John 5:1-4)
Herein, we begin to gain insight into our fellowship with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ -- through the Holy Ghost, which we receive as a gift when we repent, and are water baptized in the precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 2:36-38)
But also within I John, there is a particular scripture that many say is contested (which may explain why I do not cite this scripture as often as perhaps I should. Nevertheless, in terms of understanding the doctrine of Christ, I John 5:7 has merit because it gives us insight into the Godhead. That is, God is One and that this One God willingly became our Saviour. The scripture?
"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." (1 John 5:7)
But in order to realize what is being said here, we need to know that God is not the Author of confusion. Scripture compliments other scripture within the Word of God so it is most helpful to compare and link scriptural passages within the Word with one another -- for purposes of clarity. And to do so in much the same way that we would study passages within a text book for an exam. When we study the scriptures with an honest heart, we learn that there are no contradictions, because the Word of God is infallible.
But in order to realize what is being said here, we need to know that God is not the Author of confusion. Scripture compliments other scripture within the Word of God so it is most helpful to compare and link scriptural passages within the Word with one another -- for purposes of clarity. And to do so in much the same way that we would study passages within a text book for an exam. When we study the scriptures with an honest heart, we learn that there are no contradictions, because the Word of God is infallible.
As we know from Acts 1:2-3, until the day that He [Jesus] was taken up, after that He [Jesus] THROUGH the Holy Ghost gave commandments unto the apostles whom He had chosen. When we read His Word, we are truly peering into and seeing, reading, comprehending, and absorbing basic truths from the mind of God to us -- the Word is inseparable from God Himself.
Why? Because He is the Word! The Word that was with God and was God was made flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:1-14) And His Word is holy. The Word being God Himself. And His truths have been hidden within the pages of the scriptures which is why we should receive the Word with all readiness of mind, searching the scriptures daily, and verifying that these things are so -- rightly dividing the Word. (Acts 17:11; II Timothy 2:15)
Getting back to the original point of this post, John 5:7 has often been used to support the false religious teaching of the trinity, which presents God as three distinct persons instead of One God -- the same Lord who came forth as a mighty man to bring us salvation. (Isaiah 42:13) These ignore that the first commandment states -- "Hear O Israel, the Lord thy God is One Lord!" (Mark 12:29-31; Deuteronomy 6:4) These ignore that the life was manifested and that the apostles who have seen Him and can testify of His goodness have now left their witness -- the written Word to show us eternal life. (Acts 17:11)
However, in examining I John 5:7, these teachers of a tri-une god have failed to compare scripture with other scripture. For example, note in 1 John 5:7 that the word "Son" is not cited, but rather the "Word." Also, at the end of this verse, the scripture clearly states that the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost -- "these three ARE ONE" -- and NOT that these three are as one. There is a significant difference between the two with the latter relying on added words to support a doctrine, rather than letting the Word guide and instruct.
To that end, we see this scripture simply describing what the only one God is -- His nature. Therefore, what is being said herein is that He is Father and He is Spirit! The Word is simply the mind of that one true God, even though one could also say that the Word is inseparable from God.
God is Father. He is Word. He is Holy Ghost (Spirit). The same writer of 1 John 5:7, stated in John 1:1..."In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The Word is God Himself! The Sonship was in the mind of God as part and parcel to a future event -- in the fullness of times and at (as the scriptures state) the appointed time.
Thus, "the Father, Word, and Holy Ghost are referring to the one indivisible Spirit in heaven: that same Spirit who moved upon the face of the waters in Genesis 1:2. The same Spirit which was "Father in creation." The coming Sonship (Word) existed in the mind of God which later was expressed in a wonderful manifestation of a human being." (Isaiah 42:13; I Timothy 3:16)
Thus, "the Father, Word, and Holy Ghost are referring to the one indivisible Spirit in heaven: that same Spirit who moved upon the face of the waters in Genesis 1:2. The same Spirit which was "Father in creation." The coming Sonship (Word) existed in the mind of God which later was expressed in a wonderful manifestation of a human being." (Isaiah 42:13; I Timothy 3:16)
"And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son; he that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the "Name of the Son of God" that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the "Name of the Son of God." And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask any thing according to His will, He hears us, and if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him." (I John 5:10-15; Romans 8:16; John 3:15, 18, 33, 36; John 6:47; John 17:2-3; I John 2:28; I John 3:21-22)
And yes, He is the very same Spirit working in the hearts of mankind today, inviting us to the most elaborate wedding feast ever to be had. Not with a three headed bridegroom but as One God who loved us enough to become our Saviour -- which explains why "these three are ONE!" Let those with ears to hear, hear.
Stand in the offering plate.
* Many of the scriptural references and understanding for this blog were already written by Scott Criss. Please note that I have made edits for purposes of clarity, but I hope in so doing that the context of the original (much longer) post was captured. Blessings in the precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
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