Instead, salvation is the gift of God. He extends His love to each and every one of us, so that we might know Him through His Name. The Name of Jesus. And because He did, we no longer have to work for our salvation.
In fact, if one had to work for salvation, the gift could no longer come as a gift. This is why the gift of salvation is unique. Certainly, there is no payment plan attached to the gift of salvation. For the gift of eternal life is offered freely to one and all. One does not need to have money to inherit eternal life, As Peter said to the man who needed healed -- "Silver or gold have I none but what I do have ..." -- the good news gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, I will gladly give to you.
This gift of salvation offered equally to every individual who turns their life over to Jesus was purchased by the sacrificial death of one man.. But this man, as we know from reading the scriptures, was no ordinary man although in appearance He had no remarkable features that would identify Him as one that would stand out in a crowd. We know this because when we shall see Him, the scriptures state that there is no beauty that we should desire him,
Still, the long awaited manifestation of the long awaited SEED - the SEED donor being none other than the holy Spirit of God who promised that He would become man’s Saviour - is the reason the gift of salvation exists. Thus, there was a necessity for the Word of God to be manifested in the flesh and that this flesh manifestation of God (as a Son) named JESUS, become a willing sacrifice securing an everlasting covenant. (Matthew 1:21-23)
For this Covenant was not a Covenant between two parties as was the old redundant Sinai covenant. Rather, this NEW Covenant being a Covenant was decided and predetermined of God before there ever was a visible world. A Covenant ordered of God as Spirit whereby God Himself as a Son (God is ONE), executed the unfolding of the covenant in the fashion now revealed of God through the sacrifice of Himself. Hence, GOD Himself brings forth the offer of free redemption from Adam’s fall - Adam being disobedient to God’s instructions in the Garden of Eden.
God manifest in the flesh. (I Timothy 3:16) God became our Saviour. (Titus 3:4-7)
Remember, it was by one man’s disobedience that sin entered into this world. Death ruled and reigned among us. God Himself had breathed life into man because at the same time God purposed to redeem man by Himself. The result? As the scriptures point out, any person believing upon the sacrificial death of God as a Son would inherit all things as a gifted inheritance.
Believe ye in Him -- behold, the Lamb of God.
Then, believers as redeemed people would become God’s adopted sons and daughters. Men and woman would now be redeemed by the shedding of God’s own holy Spirit blood. Believers would also - obediently - and according to the scriptures be baptized into His precious Name JESUS! Receiving the promise of God that He would now breath upon them the gift of His Spirit.
Infilled with the Holy Ghost, as the first 3,000 who gladly received His Word were on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 2:36-47)
These redeemed believers having been called by God would by the working of the Spirit of God be totally washed justified and sanctified eventually to be glorified. The end result being that redeemed believers or Christians (followers of Jesus) would be changed to be like Him. What do the scriptures say? For then we shall see Him as He is!
Stand in the offering plate with Jesus! He never fails.
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