Jesus said, "Touch Me not for I am not yet ascended to My Father but go to My brethren, and say unto them, "I ascend unto My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God." (John 20:17)
There is only ONE Lord. There is only ONE faith. There Is only ONE baptism.
As a consequence, we as believers ought to be earnestly contending for this ONE FAITH - the SAME faith - that was ONCE delivered to God’s people. Remember that God has declared that as far as He is concerned, no man has the authority to lay any other foundation. For this one faith - the foundation of Jesus Christ - has already been laid. Yes, the foundation is JESUS the Christ.
The Church’s ONE and ONLY foundation was built upon the Holy Ghost teachings as revealed to the Apostles and Prophets chosen of God. These teachings are solid rock teachings of God, whose Word lives and abides forever. JESUS the Christ (God manifest in flesh) is Himself the Chief corner stone. The scriptures attest to this point.
Further, if any man dares to advance any other doctrinal teaching other than that which is delivered of God, then believers ought not to congregate in fellowship with them. Let me say this again. If the teachings are contrary to God’s instructed Words, then we should not congregate in fellowship with them. Why not?
Because as the Word clearly states -- when self-appointed religious opponents of the truth of God’s Word arise, we should be running in the other direction. Indeed, just as in the early church, many only come in to spy out the liberty that is only found in JESUS. But as the scriptures also state, they left because these were not of us. Therefore, a departure from this ONE FAITH only reiterates the fact that their teachings are not founded or structured upon the gospel teachings that were delivered by the Holy Spirit of JESUS.
Jesus through the Holy Ghost commanding the apostles so that our salvation would be entrenched in the Rock. (Acts 1:2) This is why the early believers continued STEADFASTLY in the apostles doctrinal teachings. Where else could they go? For the very Word of God was coming to them. The Word of God was not coming out from them. In accepting the good news gospel of Jesus Christ, these people were acknowledging that the original teachings were indeed God’s Word!
It is time believers in Jesus by faith began to do the same. ONE LORD. One Faith. One Baptism. One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. (Ephesians 4:9)
And worthy to be praised. "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16) Stand in the offering plate.
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