"Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses (law) and one for Elias (prophets). (Matthew 17:4; Mark 9:5, 33)
Well, if you recall from the scriptures, that pronounced thought received an immediate reaction from heaven. In this case, it was not just "forgive them Father for they know not what they do" but rather "forgive them for they do not understand the intensity of what they have just spoken."
This is not to suggest that Moses (representative of the law) and Elias (representative of the prophets) was not important. Indeed, Moses and Elias were instrumental in the plan of God’s salvation. However, what we need to note here is that the directive from God came to them. These Words of God did not originate in them. There is a difference. Moses and Elias were, so to speak, faithful servants ministering only the message which was committed to them.
But JESUS was and is Himself the LORD of Glory manifest in the flesh. Manifest as a Son over His own household! JESUS -- being God Himself who was formerly unseen is now God with us. This means in the simplest terms that JESUS is the source of all Word. As it is written, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." (John 1:1)
Yes! The Word spoken through the mouth of the man JESUS was God’s own Word! This is why the people pressed toward JESUS -- to hear the Word of God -- for JESUS' Word was spoken with power. In other words, JESUS is the same God who spoke the worlds into existence. For it is written, that without JESUS there is nothing made that is made. All things exist by JESUS and for JESUS. (John 1:1-18)
Therefore, JESUS is the unseen Spirit of God seen. In looking for God, it was Jesus who turned up. God then is not three distinct and separate persons or co-equals one with another -- as some religious folks (and others) like to suggest. That revised falsification of the scriptures did not come from God but of man, appearing first around 300 AD by the so-called church fathers.
For it is written ... even though being found in fashion as a man, JESUS thought it not robbery to be equal with God. When JESUS speaks, it is God who is speaking through Him. It is the Spirit of God within that veil of flesh speaking. How often did JESUS say in the scriptures that it was not Him/ME (in the flesh) that speaks and does these things but rather, it was/is His/My father within Me, it is He that does these things.
This is why JESUS must have the pre-eminence in all things. Down through the ages it was the Spirit of the Christ within persons that caused them to delight in the Lord. This delight did not come about of themselves.
And the reason why this message is so important? Well, when people speak about King David or Solomon, there is, at times a tendency to exalt them to sainthood. They do so even when they know that both David and Solomon were very bad dudes. Remember, David would become a condemned convict for premeditated murder, a planner and schemer of evil, and even an adulterer. In terms of Solomon, how many women's lives did he waste in his endeavour to satisfy the cravings of his flesh? Evil flourished within them. And such were some of us until JESUS appeared in our lives.
JESUS on the other hand came and preached peace. He preached the beatitudes and about love, mercy and compassion. Never before upon this earth had a man lived and spoke as JESUS did. For JESUS was the Life of God Himself, manifest in the flesh as a Son. This explains why we ought to endeavour to walk in His footsteps recognizing that it was the Spirit of the humanity of Christ within persons that caused them to bring forth the psalms, the hymns and spiritual songs. It was also this same Spirit of the humanity of Christ that causes men to speak His Word of wisdom.
For in the beginning was the Word - JESUS! Come to Jesus today! Let Him show you the power of love that transcends all understanding!
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