Here is the Lord our God reassuring us that the thoughts He has toward us (His plan) or purpose for us are thoughts of peace. And herein, Jeremiah (an old testament prophet) is revealing how this same Lord God -- the Author of peace wants to fill our hearts to overflowing (till our souls bubble over with His love and joy) because He has (from the very beginning) had our best interests in mind. Indeed, the proof of how much He loves us is found in the cross, wherein He shed His precious, holy blood so that we might have abundant life in Him -- when God became our Saviour.
His name JESUS in this current dispensation of grace, for He shall save His people from their sins. (Matthew 1:21-23)
Psalm 35:27 tells us that He takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants. Imagine the same Spirit of the Lord God who spoke the earth and all creation into being thinking of us as the apple of His eye. Why? Because we are His beloved. He created us in His image and as such, He loves us beyond measure. He wants nothing but the best for His people.
Moreover, He wants to give us an expected end -- His purpose and love flowing through us to others so that He receives fruit into His kingdom. His banner over His body of Christ church being love, joy and peace. Thus, in essence, we can expect great things. Our vision doesn't have to be connected to the material things of this world, because His purpose is one that He placed in our hearts whilst we were still in our mother's womb -- His ultimate plan wherein we can be at peace, knowing He is leading and guiding us.
Know too that He created us in His image, but totally unique in this world. One of a kind -- our eyes and fingerprints as evidence of our distinct uniqueness in Him. In fact, there is no copy of what we should look like -- and I believe, intentionally so -- in order that we could become more like Jesus.
The One whose desire is to commune with His people.
Equally important, His thoughts toward us are not of evil. He assures us that when we shall call upon Him, communing in a personal relationship with Him -- God our Saviour -- He opens the windows of heaven for His people. This is why it is so critical that we choose to seek the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength because we have heard (and responded to) His call -- the "hear O Israel, the Lord our God is One Lord." (Deuteronomy 6:4; Mark 12:29-31)
And, as a consequence, we are no longer beholden to the world because we know we can call on Him for our sustenance -- our daily bread -- for Jesus is the Bread of Life. We are assured from His Word that we can take our counsel from the Lord and He will never fail us. He is the author of promise -- and in fact, so many promises that when we are in perfect alignment with God's will, we can be assured that our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
Still, we are given a choice -- whether to continue along the world's path, declining into spiritual bankruptcy (where our souls inwardly sigh under the weight of worldly burdens) or instead, to search for His spiritual prosperity where we can know the Rock which is Jesus. You see, the caveat in Jeremiah 29 is -- "search for Me with all your heart!"
Or as Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find; knock and the door will be opened!"
Yes, the Lord Jesus is inviting us into His fold today. The great Shepherd is inviting us to partake at His wedding feast wherein He is the bridegroom that is calling. To this day, He is still inviting us to "come" -- come and dine at His table.
If you haven't already, today is the day to ask Jesus to be both Lord and Christ in your life. Ask Him to lead and guide you away from the shifting sands of this world (where the standard is a continual moving target) to the Rock -- the Rock which is Christ Jesus -- wherein we can stake our lives on Him .. on His goodness; His abundance of love; His mercy and grace.
If you have made a decision to follow Jesus, take the time to read Acts 2:36-41. This is the salvation message given by Peter (standing with the eleven) on the day of Pentecost -- wherein the first 3,000 souls saved on the new testament side of the cross entered into the body of Christ church.
Some other scriptures for your edification?
Stand in the offering plate.
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