For God so loved the world ...
For God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. This world has had more than its share of lying prophets, soothsayers, witch doctors, teachers, horoscopes and dictators with most appearing to speak without any foundation or evidence. Regardless, all of the above pale in comparison to Jesus who is God Himself as a Son, conceived of God’s holy Spirit -- the Holy Ghost.
The voice of the Spirit declaring that Jesus is -- "My beloved Son in whom I am pleased to dwell." God was in Christ!
"To wit, God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself ..." (II Corinthians 5:19)
Jesus declared hat the works, signs, wonders and miracles which He was performing were not the works of the flesh but rather the works of the Spirit of God who was indwelling within His flesh. The Words that proceeded from Jesus' mouth were the very words of God.
Jesus declared that the Words that He spoke were not man's words but were the Words of the Spirit who sent Him.(Jesus was conceived of the holy Ghost.) Therefore, He is the Only begotten. He was not made or created. Rather, He is God Himself manifest in the flesh appearing in fashion as one of Adam’s race.
But Jesus was not of Adam's sinful race, although He had been clothed in the womb of one of Adam’s sinful race daughters called Mary -- the Seed of the holy Spirit being clothed in the womb of Mary. She being a willing, chosen surrogate, the angel declared to Mary that holy being that would be born of her would be called the Son of God.
Jesus was clothed in a sin prone body made from Mary's sin prone body. The flesh of Jesus although tempted and tried in all points, like as we are, never sinned, for God was in Christ!
This body was the Lamb of God who was of God to be sacrificed at Calvary. God provided Himself as a Lamb taking All of our sin onto Himself, redeeming all mankind who accept His once and for all Jesus sacrifice.
Indeed, on the cross He reinstated man to a place of no condemnation. For it is written that there is no condemnation to all them that are in Christ Jesus.
Jesus (God Himself as a Son) laid down His sinless life giving up His Son-ship status and taking our sin upon Himself, transferring His righteousness upon us that we now have become the righteousness of God in Christ. Believers immediately become a new creation in Jesus.
Jesus -- the Only Begotten Son of God. We are now adopted sons of God having much more than mere adoption for we now are indwelt of the Spirit of Jesus. Therefore beloved, we are now the sons of God. We inherit, all things that were formerly made for the only begotten Son of God. Christ life is now in dwelling us.
Christ in you giving you the hope of glory. You are now a habitation of God in the Spirit. You are now the temple in which God is pleased to dwell. Jesus said, "All things that the Father hath are Mine, and all Mine, is now yours."
Therefore, believers are a purchased possession of God. the blood of the holy Spirit of God was spilled for the redemption of the whosoever -- you and I.
Why is this important? The gift of God is eternal life. Salvation is a gift. One cannot work to obtain salvation.
“It is finished.” God Almighty sacrificed Himself only once! The blood of Jesus the Christ the only begotten Son of God cleanses all believers from all sin and transgressions. Therefore, there is no more sacrifice for sin. Jesus' blood can make the foulest sinner clean, whiter than even the driven snow.
Come to me, and I will give you rest!
The risen Jesus is all you need. He is who your heart desires. You can have peace with the Spirit of God who was in the man Jesus the Christ, reconciling us to Himself. Jesus is the ONLY door. Behold My hands and My feet.
Come to Jesus today -- believing upon Him for your salvation. Be water baptized in His precious name -- the Name of the Lord Jesus -- and receive His gift of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter who will lead and guide us into all truth.
Stand in the offering plate.
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