"Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before Mine eyes; cease to do evil; learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land ..." (Isaiah 1:16-19)
JESUS was wounded for our transgressions. JESUS was bruised for our iniquities. Upon JESUS was laid the chastisement of our peace and the stripes laid upon JESUS back was for our healing. Surely, Jesus did bear our grief and surely JESUS did bear our sorrows. Why? For the transgression of His people so that each and every one of us might be saved. That is the reason that He was smitten of God and afflicted -- so that we might find abundant life in Him.
For those who have tasted and seen also know that God is good! He is gracious and merciful, and on the cross, His humanity became the perfect sacrifice, having shed His holy blood for you and I. This was the mystery that was held in the bosom of the Father from the beginning of the world, the mystery wherein God was manifest in the flesh. (I Timothy 3:16) But there is more.
JESUS said to Mary, “Touch Me not for I have not as yet ascended." These words were not random words but stated for a reason. JESUS had been resurrected from the tomb on the first day of the week of Sabbaths, early in the morning while it was still dark. The holy Spirit that had indwelt JESUS endured all the pain and scourging -- all that had taken place to that flesh body. The blows, pains, and cruelty that had been described earlier -- being applied to the body of Jesus -- impacted upon the indwelling Spirit!
The pains, suffering and torment did not end when JESUS gave up His ghostly Spirit. Still, JESUS life as a natural flesh man died but the Spirit of Life lived on. At the same time, all that unjust punishment expended upon the body of JESUS was in reality received by the Spirit of JESUS which was and is now the Holy Ghost in this dispensation of grace.
Adam the first man was of the earth -- earthy -- whereas the second Adam was the Lord out of Heaven. The Lord of glory. So God, who had descended to redeem man from captivity was now to ascend. He that descended had no cruel markings but now since God’s descent, His spirit was wounded, and scarred.
Admittedly, the Holy Ghost being Spirit did not bleed but the body in which He had dwelt in whilst He walked among us bled, to the last drop of blood. This blood was the life giving blood that flowed in His body’s veins. The wounds and scars that were bestowed upon JESUS were wounds to His holy Spirit.
But JESUS, arising from the tomb, as a quickening Spirit was now returning from whence He had descended. Prior to His descent, as the scriptures declare He was in the form of God. It was to this form that He returned to be GOD OVER ALL!
The holy SPIRIT entering into that form takes in the HEART of God. It is in this context that we have a great High Priest who is able to succour us, regardless of whatever situation or plight we may be found. Yes, the same God who created us is touched with the feelings of our infirmities. For He was here on earth - dwelling in a body such as the body we inhabit - and died, leaving us His Last Will - His Testament written in His Own Precious Blood.
I am sure you will agree - there is no God like our God! Our God is Love beyond measure! Stand in the offering plate.
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