Apostle Paul informs us that we who believe form the body of Christ church, and that JESUS is the Head. In fact, each redeemed and born of God believer is a relevant part of His body. It is in this body - the body of Christ - which the Holy Ghost who was in the man JESUS the Christ is pleased to dwell. "In Him the fullness of the Godhead dwelt bodily." (Colossians 2:9)
JESUS (God with us as a Son) laid down His life in the flesh as a once and for all time sacrifice in order that the sin which dominates us should no longer have dominion over us. He willingly became the mediator of the New Testament. (Hebrews 9:15-18)
Indeed, JESUS the Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law. JESUS who had no sin willingly took upon Himself our sin. In short, JESUS put Himself in our place. Therefore, as a consequence of Jesus, there is now no condemnation to those of us who God has grafted into the Vine -- Jesus being the Vine.
In fact, JESUS was the promised SEED of blessing. It is in this SEED that everyone who believes upon Him should not perish but be given of God the gift of eternal life. As we have elaborated on earlier, there was no other who could redeem mankind. No perfect offering could be found. For as the scripture declares, "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." All men (and women) were sinners by virtue of being Adam’s offspring.
Thus, after the kindness and love of God, He became our Saviour. (Titus 2:13; Titus 3:4-7)
But the "lo, behold, the volume of the book is written of Me" extends further. That is, the holy Spirit provided the male and female SEEDS. Yes, the SEEDS coming forth from God Almighty who is the Father of all spirits. Of course, within this SEED did dwell all the potential fullness of God. As prophecy foretold, there was coming a new blood line. A new bone structure. The only part missing was the flesh, which the child of the Holy Ghost would receive in the womb of a willing surrogate mother named Mary. (Luke 1:35; Matthew 1:18-23)
From the scriptures, we recognize that the child was born into a Jewish community. In the Jewish community the Law (Mosaic Law) reigned. The Law being the tree of knowledge of good and evil defined. Still, none of Adam’s sin prone race could ever meet the demands of the Law. As a consequence, JESUS came to fulfill the works of the Law.
JESUS, accomplishing the abolishing of the works of the Law through the sacrifice of His sinless self. He became the perfect sacrifice. Since sin and death entered into the world through the disobedience of one man in the Garden, it required a righteous man to die in order for the curse to be rendered as never having been.
This is why the whosoever will can call upon the precious Name of the Lord JESUS for salvation and become instantaneously freed from sin. Indeed, all nations are eligible to receive salvation. It is not salvation for the Jews alone. For with God there is neither Jew nor Gentile on this side of the cross. The scriptures say this. And the scripture also reveals that God has made no difference between the Jews and us Gentiles.
It is for this reason that out of all nations God is gathering to Himself a people which were not a people but now by God’s grace and mercy are the people of God. In actual fact, they are the offspring of the promised SEED JESUS whose SEED brings forth the Israel of God.
This people in outward appearance resemble all the other earthly inhabitants. The only difference is that they are seeking to establish the Kingdom of God in the hearts of their kinsmen by showing forth the life of Christ within them, and delivering to all this good news gospel message of God. This explains why we are debtors to this present generation. We must with sincerity and truth spread the gospel and invite others to partake of the TREE of LIFE that is JESUS the promised SEED.
And having preached the gospel, we are not to leave the other (as a flow through to others) be left undone. Stand in the offering plate.
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