Many people today have been misled when it comes to the true identity of Jesus. This incorrect teaching -- promoted through religious traditions, doctrines and creeds -- has, unfortunately, resulted in a state of confusion -- not only for believers but for unbelievers as well. What is worse is that those who are in a position of authority have -- as a collective -- decided not to correct the error of their teachings that have led to this confusion. This stance, even when the scriptures - both the old and new covenants -- contradict their message.
Certainly, it does not make sense to pray if one does not know "to whom" they are praying. It is in this context that this message is written. So that the truth of the gospel -- the good news of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus -- can be proclaimed to the uttermost parts of the earth. So that every man, woman, and child can understand how much their heavenly Father loves them, and did so, even before the foundations of the world were formed.
Clearly then, Jesus was not just the "Son of God" as most institutions would have us believe. In fact, Jesus is the eternal life which was in the innermost being of God. The only begotten of the Father. The same God who is Spirit (invisible) - the same God that was manifest in the flesh and spoke of within the Bible. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. (John 1:1-18)
Further, as it is written, God was manifest in the flesh. Jesus, conceived of the Holy Spirit who of Himself provided both Seeds (one male and one female Seed) whereby both of these Seeds when brought together would be God Himself. The Seeds in themselves contained all the fullness of the Godhead’s spiritual humanity. Therefore, Jesus is not just a Son but the only begotten Son of the Holy Spirit whose Seeds were conceived into the womb of a willing surrogate named Mary who herself expressed that her spirit rejoiced in God, her Saviour.
These Seeds were not another God. These Seeds were the Seeds of the one and only God. In God dwelt pure humanity. Just like the scriptures state, the original intent of Adam and Eve was to be a visible created form in the image of God. Unfortunately, the devil showed up and created havoc. But the good news is that this was not an unknown to God. How do we know this? It is written that Jesus - the lamb slain before the foundation of the earth - would at an appointed time be manifest in the flesh -- purposely to destroy the work of the devil.
And just as God is not three distinct and separate persons, neither are you and I. We are spirit beings veiled in flesh, born as a male or female from two seeds. These two seeds are thus brought together in one individual - a spiritual individual who during his or her lifetime is capable of manifesting their individuality in three expressive ways - as a son/daughter, as a father/mother and as a spirit/friend. Indeed, there is a reason we are created in the image of God. So that we can become sons and daughters of the Most High.
The life of God was manifested in the flesh so that we might be saved through the blood shed on the cross for you and I. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the "name" of the only begotten Son of God. Stand in the offering plate.
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